Philly’s office of Black Male Engagement is hosting a series of events on Black Generational Wealth, kicking off the first with “Where the Real Money Resides.”
Over the last year, our community has experienced overwhelming challenges. From health and wellness to education, and from social justice to economic development, COVID-19 has exposed and further exacerbated the huge disparities our communities face.
We have lost family members, friends, and jobs to this ongoing pandemic, but we have not lost our value. We have not lost our fight, and we have not lost our vision.
This is why the Mayor’s Office of Black Male Engagement is returning again this Black History Month for the Second Annual Black Generational Wealth (Virtual) Series 2021. During these three powerful workshops, we will hear from professionals and living examples on the pursuit and maintenance of Black Generational Wealth.
While The Black Generational Wealth Series is targeted toward Black men, all residents are welcome to attend. All three events are free, and registration available through the link below.
The full list of events include the following:
All Events in the (Virtual) Black Generational Wealth Series 2021:
Febraury 11 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.| Wealth – Where the Real Money Resides:
February 18 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.| The Pandemic Pivot – Bouncing Back from COVID-19:
February 25 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.| Keep It In the Family: